Salt Grass - 2024 (Katy Park)

Salt Grass - 2024 (Cat Spring)
These photos were taken just a short distance from leaving the Whittenburg Ranch in Cat Spring, Texas.

Salt Grass - 2015 to 2023
This awesome trail ride is the oldest trail ride in Texas. Each year it begins at the Gene & Butch Wittenberg Ranch in Cat Springs, Tx and 5 days later it is completed in Houston. It ends on the start of "The Houston Rodeo." EnThused Designs has had the pleasure of taking photos of the ride since the year 2015. We have hundreds of photos of these fine folks.

BP MS 150 Bike Ride - 2013
EnThused Designs provided the photography for the BP MS 150 for 3 straight years: 2013, 2014, and 2015 Want to relive the ride from start in Houston, Tx. to lunch in Bellville, Tx. to 2nd lunch in Bastrop, to the finish line in Austin, Tx. What a blast!

BP MS 150 Bike Ride - 2014

Walk Abouts
This is a beautiful world and Texas is a beautiful state. EnThused Designs has literally hundreds of photos of many places inside and outside of Texas. Here are but a few samples to view.

Houston Rodeo
The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, also called RodeoHouston is the largest livestock exhibition and rodeo in the world. It includes one of the richest regular-season professional rodeo events. The event normally begins in late February & ends early March.

Graphic Art

Houston 501c's
These are but a few of the wonderful 501'c Groups found in the Houston area. I was blessed to have been the photographer for the photos shown below. We do all photography for 501c's at no charge to them.

As you may determine, I am a Texas Longhorn fan. EnThused Designs has taken photos of many sporting events through the years: football, baseball, track & boxing.

These photos below were taken by EnThused Designs as I was blessed to view some of my Hispanic friends grow into adult womanhood.
Here are just a few of sample videos that we have done. Some of them use only photos that we have taken and some videos are the result of our video camera. We have literally made hundreds of videos for our customers.

Over the years, EnThused Designs has been asked to do the wedding photography for many newly weds. I have many more photos of each of the weddings, but just wanted to give you an example of my work. All of the weddings were so beautiful. I hope I highlighted some of the beauty.